You pay it. For instance, if your deductible is $500 and the total cost of the repair is $1000, then the insurance will pay us $500 and you pay the other $500.
No! Once the initial estimate is written by the insurance company, you are ready to rock and roll. Give us a call, and we will handle the rest.
Not to worry, the initial estimate is always subject to change after disassembly. It’s our responsibility to communicate to the insurance company if there are additional damages (charges).
Spend it on your Christmas gifts… Just kidding. You can forward the payments to us when the vehicle is ready and you are satisfied with the repairs, either by signing over the check to us or paying us directly with cash or credit. Additionally, you can request to the insurance company that they send the money directly to us.
Cash, Credit, Debit. We do NOT accept personal checks.
No. We do it all – including if you are paying out of pocket.
Unfortunately it all depends on the extent of the damages – what we can tell you is that our average repair time for vehicles is 13 days in the shop.